
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

[...shhh! overheard... ]

Political Rant 2

Also Overheard in the Tavern on the Corner


“Well, just let me tell you.

“The United States Government, you know?  The government doesn’t have to pay its bills.  No, they don’t.  They just print up as much as they need to spend on all these things.  Retirement income for old people, or food stamps, or paying certain people to go to college, you know?

“That government just keeps on running up the credit account.  That can’t go on.  We can’t stand for it.  It’s flirting with disaster.

“You buy something, you got to pay for it.  That’s what I always heard.  You can’t live on credit, owing other people all the time.  Pay your debts, they always tell me.

“Me, yes.  Me.  I can’t just print up some more money, can I?  Even if it is to help somebody else or to protect my family or even my property.  Can I?

“How is it fair? Tell me that.  I have to pay up, and the U S Government, well they’re the same as me, right?  Get rid of the debt is what I say.  Now!”

“Oops, I guess this card is maxxed out.  Can you cover this one for me, pal?  I’ll go cash this Social Security check.  That should tied us over for a while.”

“So, what was that we were saying?  Yeah, thanks, buddy.  Here's to you!"
