
Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Old Guy Finally Meets His Maker


"Yo! Somm-Beesh! 

"You couldn't do better than this?  Scoliosis, really?  Is that the best you could do?  What?  Did you leave your ruler in your locker that morning?  You couldn't draw a straight line any more from A to B?  Was that it, pal?

"And those allergies?  What's up with that?  That drippy nose? 

"You wanted to push more business toward the Kleenex people?  Is that the only way you could think of?  You made it that way, because...?

"And then...  Yeah.  And then...

"The what?  Brain? 

"Well, yes.  On that part, pretty amazing, really.  Yes!  Good on you there all right, you betcha. 

"Except lately, you know?  People like it for you to call them by name, by their first name, you follow me?  Like you know them, personally, you know? 

"But if you can't remember their names, after twenty or thirty years of seeing them just like every day or something... like they suddenly never had first names.  You know?  That was your precious brain work too, fella!  Ya get me on that one, do ya?

"What?  I mean, What?  Oh...

"What's deserving got to do with it?

"Anyhow and anyways.  What's up with you?"


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