
Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Grand DT on Freedom, Government, and Equal Rights


So, DT, let's talk about liberty... or Freedom.

Freedom?  Good.  Everybody likes his freedom.

You said the Good People are free.  Free because they are rich, right?

Good.  They are free, Joe, because they are good. 

What about others?

What would you like to know about the Others?

Are they free too?

Some have some freedom.  Some have none or next to none.


But DT, shouldn't everyone be free?

That's like asking if all grass should be green.  Some grass is green.  Some grass is more or less green.  And some grass is not green at all. Don't get me wrong, Joe, but that's the fact of  the matter, a fact of life.


So what, great DT, is the role of government?

Good people have no need of government, little Joe.  Government is needed to keep the Others in order.

What keeps the Good people in order?

The Good keep order themselves.  At first they know the rules.  Later they make them up.


And what about rights?

You don't mean "as opposed to wrongs," I think.

No, like we all have the same rights, equal rights, like speech and religion and privacy, and so on.  That kind of rights.  What about them?

What's your question, Joe?

Do the Good People, DT, and the Others have the same rights, equally?

No.  Don't get me wrong, Joe.  But remember the green grass.  Remember?


Upgrade Available: U S Constitution



In Philadelphia today, a small group is rewriting the Constitution.  The original of course begins this way:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defence, promote the General Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The new version will begin thus:

We the Very Rich People of the United States,

in order to create greater division among our fellow Americans
   and form a more perfect Union among ourselves,
to establish control of the Justice system to our Benefit
   and the Subordination of Others,
to promote Unrest among the Others
   and insure our own Domestic Tranquility,
to provide for the Defence of our Property and interests,
to promote the Luxury of the Very Rich,
and to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our heirs,

do ordain, establish, and hide this Upgraded Constitution for the USA.